Logoff script

Console-based Exit Dialog

In my openbox setup I use the following script to provide a logoff dialog:

# $HOME/bin/session-exit.sh
cat << EOF
Do you want to

 (L)og off
 (P)ower off
read -p "Your choice: " -n 1 action
echo " "
echo " "

case $action in 
                echo "Logging off ..."
       openbox --exit
               echo "Suspending ..."
       sudo pm-suspend
                echo "Rebooting ..."
       sudo shutdown -r now
                echo "Shutting down ..."
       sudo shutdown -h now
                echo "Cancelled ..."
                sleep 1
                echo "Invalid input $action"
                sleep 1

The following snippet in rc.xml maps it to Super-X:

    <keybind key="W-x">
      <action name="Execute">
        <command>terminator --geometry=300x200+500+250 -T "Exit" -e session-exit.sh</command>

What you also need is password-less execution of the shutdown / suspend commands in sudoers:

ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pm-suspend